Hi. I’m Adrienne Percy.
I *adore* teaching conscious mothers how to simply and deliciously bring real foods- traditional foods- into homes today. To help equip them with the practical skills to put a meal on the table and the inspiration to want to do it day after day…
And maybe even spark the desire to go out and teach others how to do it as well…
And I am not talking about something that seems like a diet fad- or scheme- I am talking about the kind of food that fills a room with a delicious and comforting aroma. That nourishes tiny bodies and growing minds. And fills a heart with memories of family meals and the laughter around it…
I’m also talking about the kind of food that people around the world trusted to keep their family, communities and land healthy – long before the days of slick marketing, diet ‘experts’ and multinational food corporations…
Why? Because I’ve been there myself…
Like so many mothers, my journey started with the simple desire to raise happy, healthy children (and maybe even to leave the earth a little better place than when I started).
But sorting out how best to do that didn’t turn out to be so simple after all.
I soon discovered that ‘natural’ wasn’t really ‘natural’ (even in a health food store!) and ‘free range’ didn’t necessarily come from cheerful chickens clucking around a family farm.
I was also *kinda* concerned that eating healthy was going to mean we had to spend most of our income on food, and I had to spend all of my time in the kitchen.
I vowed that if I ever figured it out, I would make it easier for other moms…who were frustrated by deceptive labelling and conflicting health information. Mothers who were still searching for answers- in between cleaning the house, diaper changes, snacks, and soccer…
Before that…
I asked tough questions and cherished the very human tradition of storytelling in my role as a journalist for Canada’s public broadcaster. And when life as a mama demanded that I give a little less time to my career and more to my family, I turned in the microphone and camera for seat at a table of power inside a major agricultural exporter. That’s where I wrote the words for those in charge- and got an inside look at *how food policy was *really* made and influenced. And who convinced us to accept what is on supper tables all over the world today…
I knew then with every fibre of my being, that a food revolution needed to begin. One that started in our very own homes. With our wallets and food decisions…
But enough about me. I know you are a change-the-worlder too (or you wouldn’t be here .
Are you ready?
Tell me how you have re-skilled. Let’s connect.
And if you are feeling inspired to nourish your family and pass on the skills and food wisdom that people around the world have cherished for generations – we should definitely talk