01 February 2015

Nourished Roots Photo Project – Week 4

Day 28

Day 28

It was such a bright, sunny day today. We love how the setting sun lights up this side of the house so it glows.

Day 27

Day 27

A fresh blanket of snow on everything looks very nice today.

Day 26

Day 26

Beautiful hoarfrost everywhere on the farm today.

Day 25

Day 25

As a follow-up to the photo of our much-loved dogwood last week, we’ve had enough snow melt that we can see the branches on the ground from our Solstice celebration last month.

Day 24

Day 24

Just as we are making plans for pastured chickens this summer, our chickens found a patch of grass today to peck.

Day 23

Day 23

What would our farm be without Rex. He is a great protector for the animals and the kids.

Day 22

Day 22

Warm January afternoons are for moving big snowballs from old snow forts to the new snow fort.

Filed under:BlogNourished HomePhoto Project

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